Educations &
Academia Support

Knowledge building is a key for sustainable development. Peak 63 supports the industry with tailored education packages, for lecture rooms or online training, that can range from broad general understanding to specific, targeted subjects for specialists. We also offer single lectures and workshops for individual companies to address their sustainability challenges, and for academy, adding a practitioner’s perspective on sustainability and industrial reality connection to their curriculum.

Chalmers University of Technology – Design for sustainability lectures

We support a Design for Sustainability course in two engineering programs at the Chalmers University of Technology since 2015. The contribution is a cornerstone lecture, connecting the theoretical FSSD framework and other sustainability tools to practical design and development situations, with examples from the outdoor industry.

Peak 63: Comprehensive Sustainability Training and Environmental Guide

Peak 63 has produced an e-learning package in five parts, accompanied by an environmental guide document, covering climate, energy/water use, sustainable snow management, measuring/reporting and practical tips and tricks. The sustainability training has been an integral part of their member education offer, and in many member organizations a mandatory training for staff. 

SLAO Utbildningar – Svenska Skidanläggningar

Mid Sweden University – Sports Technology – Sustainable materials lectures

In the Sports Technology education at Mid Sweden University, we have supported the integration of sustainability in a materials science course, by offering a lecture with basic understanding of sustainability as topic and its implications in material choices. We have also included basic understanding about development in textile materials for non-textile engineering students.

Swedish ski resort association (SLAO) – Online sustainability course

European Outdoor Group (EOG) – EOG Sustainability Strategy Course

In 2021, we built the EOG Sustainability Strategy Course, offering tools and knowledge for members to build a solid sustainability strategy. The course is tailored for small/mid-sized companies in the outdoor sports sector and is a self-study course in a five parts progression following the Peak Sustainability Program [link] and the Framework for Sustainable Strategy Development (FSSD) to strategy, engagement and concrete sustainability action.

European Outdoor Group - European Sustainability Strategy Course